Chard Junction
Brian Pibworth

Chard Junction site
Brian Pibworth
The entire site has now been cleared, levelled and covered in compacted hardcore. From L to R ia the former branch formation to Chard (behind uprooted trees) , the branch platform, Chard Road Hotel and the current mainline fence. There seems to be less recycled hardcore on the old Milk Factory site and this may account for the material on the station side. The sleeper-walled compound (centre) contains trailers from a local heavy goods haulier.
Colin Burges
It's funny that you've just published a piece on Plymouth Corporation Tramways, because I've just put up my little exploration of the Torquay system, which I'd never paid much heed to before.
It naturally contains a few sidetracks. Including the Babbacombe Cliff Railway which we may visit next year - virus permitting!
Cheers, Colin Burges
Ken Mumford
It had left Derby at 0746 instead of 0650. Passed me about 35 minutes late [at Purton (Collins Lane). I then drove to the foot crossing at Purton Common where it passed me [heading for Gloucester and South Wales]. It Left Swindon about 2 minutes late.There was no report of its progress until it passed Kemble at
14 11.25 - Ken.