Long Rock
Paddy Bradley
David Cook

Good afternoon Keith,
Whilst looking through the CRS website today I have I believe spotted a potential mistake regarding an addition to the text I supplied to the photograph of 4566 taken by the late R.C.Riley at Truro in July 1960 as shown 1/4/2019.
Towards the bottom of the text after my name someone has added some detail with an incorrect date. It is shown as 15/6/1960 when it should read 15/7/1960. Also the text suggests that 4566 being based at Penzance had worked up to Truro for the photograph to be taken.
This is causing me to have doubts about this and I base my thoughts from the information/photographs I have in my collection. These being that 4566 left the works at Newton Abbot on 15/7/1960 (being driven by the Mayor who I believe was a Driver based there). I have photographs of 4566 on the Kingswear Branch dated either 20th or 21st July 1960 and as the photograph taken at Truro was on 22/7/1960 I think it is unlikely that the engine worked down to Penzance to return to Truro the next day. However, I stand to be corrected about this!
Obviously, I can only go on the information that I have to hand. I think it is likely that after leaving the works on the 15th July that 4566 stayed locally in the area for running in turns hence being on the Kingswear branch on 20th or 21st and then was being worked down to Penzance and calling in at Truro on the 22nd when the photograph was taken. It is possible that R.C.Riley was in the right place at the right time for this to happen or maybe the engine did reach Penzance and returned to Truro the next day. Unfortunately as this was almost 60 years ago I doubt that this will ever be confirmed.
Interestingly, after the photograph was published on the CRS website I received an email from a gentleman in Cornwall who disputed the Truro photograph date as he thought that the Shedmaster (Joe Stevens) had retired by then. I replied that I couldn't comment about Mr Stevens but could confirm that the date itself was indeed correct. So again we have a puzzle!
Sorry if my email appears that I am nit-picking but I thought it the right thing to do.
Best wishes,
David Cook (4566 Group)
Many thanks for your note David - I am always pleased to make that small adjustment to make it all correct. Best wishes to you and 4566. Adjusted text in both the News and the Main Website.
Roger Winnen