60002 Crewe DMD, 60013 Toton, 60021 Toton,60026 Toton, 60028 Crewe DMD, 60029 Crewe DMD, 60033 Toton, 60038 Crewe DMD,60041 Toton
60046 Crewe DMD, 60047 Crewe DMD, 60048 Toton, 60055 Crewe DMD
60056 Crewe DMD, 60061 Toton, 60076 Crewe DMD, 60085 Toton
60087 Toton, 60095 Crewe DMD, & 60096 Already at St Blazey
Hopefully not for scrap, most of those offered were simply stored in serviceable condition because they had reached the 20,000 engine hours cut-off limit. They (DBS) have also put a reserve price on each loco which may be very high reflecting the fact that the locos concerned can easily be recommissioned and then work for many more years. Expect to see Colas and maybe even Network Rail sniffing around Crewe Diesel in the next few days! A most surprising and unexpected development following so quickly the article in the current edition of RAIL magazine. Some of the locos, 60033 and 60087 were supposedly being returned to traffic for the Sandite season and 60096 was included in the DB overhaul programme!