A contact of mine on Flickr posted a railway photo from his late father's collection this weekend and asked for help in identifying the location - I was pleased to be able to assist as it shows a Warship class approaching Defiance Halt and in the background can be seen the junction with the original route complete with some carriages in the sidings!
I asked if he would mind if you wanted to use the picture on the site - I thought it would make a great addition to the feature on the 1908 deviation?
You can view the image here:
If it is used he's asked that it's credited to the late Keith Holt.
Coincidentally I was walking around this area on the weekend and along the shore of the river by the base of the original bridge pier - it looked as if recent vegetation clearance had been carried out not only around the base but also up on the top of the field where the approach to the bridge would have been, which I thought was a little strange.
When down on the shoreline I came across some old rail, which you can see in the attached pictures. I'd not seen it before so the clearance work must have uncovered it - I think this may have been used as fencing, on the entrance of the bridge perhaps?
Later on when walking toward the bridge by the Defiance Halt location I noticed this type of rail in use as fencing which suggested I was possibly on the right track!
Regards Ross Griffiths Many thanks Ross