I recently dug through my parent's loft to find the attached pictures - I had the image of the Observation Saloon seen in 'pic1' in my mind for some time and for some reason seem to think that the Queen Mother is in it, although my Dad isn't so sure! Can anyone help clarify this for us please and what the occasion was? My suspicions are that it was connected with either IKB (the Class 47 propelling the saloon is of the same name) or the 150th anniversary of the GWR.
In 'pic2' you see this short train meeting an up steam special at Saltash - thanks to the wonderful resource that is your website I was able to deduce to 99% certainty that this is the 6th September 1985 'Clun Castle' tour, which at least enables us to put a date to it!
Being the first steam tour in Cornwall for some time may well explain the vast crowds that have turned up!
Apologies for the poor quality of pic2!
Many thanks, Ross. Many thanks to you Ross - from us Pictures from the Attic are always welcome. I think you have also solved when it was - wonder if anybody else has photographs from the same location at the same time. Thirty years ago!!