09.51 1Z92 Bristol TM to Liskeard:
Bristol TM: 09.51
Exeter SD: 11.07 / 11.10
Exmouth: 11.48 / 11.50
Exeter SD: 12.25 / 12.38
Plymouth: 13.43 / 13.50
Liskeard: 14.21
Empty stock around to branch platform
1Z93 Liskeard to Liskeard via Moorswater & Coombe
Liskeard: 15.00
Moorswater: 15.22 / 15.33
Looe: 16.05 / 17.05
Coombe: 17.23 / 17.28
Liskeard: 17.35
1Z94 18.20 Liskeard to Bristol TM:
Liskeard: 18.20
Plymouth: 18.49 / 19.10
N Abbot: 19.53
Exeter SD: 20.15 / 20.17
Bristol TM: 21.35