These were :-
The ‘Kernow Voyager’, the 06.07 from Gloucester class 20 20208 & 209 with 10 coaches. This arrived on time at 11.38. Due to depart at 17.35.
The ‘Kernow Explorer 3’, the 05.03 from Birmingham International Class 37 37409 & 229 with 11 coaches. Due at 12.12 arrived a couple of minutes early. Due to depart at 16.12.
The ‘Mazey Day Cornishman’, the 05.20 from Tame Bridge Parkway Class 31 31601 & 190 with 13 coaches. Due at 13.10, arrived a couple minutes late. Due to depart at 17.15.
However departures later in the day were not quite so ordered. The first one away was the 37 hauled ‘Kernow Explorer 3’. This departed from platform 3 for Birmingham International on time at 16.12.
The next departure should have been the ‘Mazey Day Cornishman’ but this was still out at Long Rock.
The ‘Kernow Voyager’ was next, this departed from platform 4 (which it had occupied since arrival) on time at 17.30. but was already 14 late at Rosvidney. Tacked on the back of this train was 57 601 ‘Sheila’.
The 17.40 HST service train in platform 3 was held for approximately 15 mins whilst the stock for the 31 hauled ‘Mazey Day Cornishman’ which should have left at 17.10 was propelled into platform 4. The ‘Mazey Day Cornishman’ was later noted passing Camborne heading for Tame Bridge Parkway about 72 mins late.