Roger Geach
Here is the 1054 Plymouth - Gunny at Calstock still a lovely shot .
Roger Geach Many thanks Roger, glad you had a good day.
Andrew Triggs
Craig Munday
I was at Liskeard for their return on 15th, and took a shot with the locos being passed by the down HST.
Cheers for now. Craig. Well 'copped', Craig. Many thanks.
Jacob Hampson
Clive Smith
John Roberts
On 29th November 2017 DfT published its most recent consultation which closed on 21st February 2018. The principal suggestions are:
1. It's inefficient to change operator in the middle of the current upgrade programme, so Dft proposes to extend the current franchise from 31st March 2019 to March 2020 and negotiate with First further to extend it to March 2022;
2. To split off a West of England franchise in March 2022, comprising Paddington to Penzance and branches, plus Cardiff to Portsmouth and Malvern to Weymouth, leaving GW with Paddington to Bristol, Swansea and the Cotswolds and branches. (Sub-options could see the recreation of Thames or Wessex. This is a policy reversal as the recent trend has been towards reducing the number of franchises and one operator per London terminal, eg Southern, Greater Anglia and East Midlands, and until now GW.)
3. Closer integration of Franchisee and Network Rail to improve customer service.
DfT says it will publish a summary of consultation responses and a plan for the 2020s in mid-2018 so watch this space!
Arriva Cross Country is also currently in Direct Award with the tender process now starting with a view to a new franchise commencing in December 2019.
I note that hardly any of the projects foreseen by my report of 9th August 2012 have been completed and some have sunk without trace!
Many of us were surprised when DfT awarded EC and WC to the same operator, and then SWR and GW, as it used to be policy to promote competition and such monopolies would have been unlikely to have been approved."
Some thoughts on happenings in the railway world by Founder Member John Roberts. Very many thanks John.
Ron Kosys
John Cornelius