Steve Widdowson
Craig Munday
That is the question.

Brian Pibworth
Passing over Long Rock Crossing last week I noticed this strange piece of equipment on the Up side (picture R) and wonder if anyone knows its purpose. At first sight it looks like one of those gadgets medieval knights used to practise jousting or maybe they are re-introducing the Mail Train and need to refresh the technique of picking up the mail bags.
Apologies if I have missed an earlier posting with a more "sensible" explanation.
Best regards, Brian Pibworth
Thanks for that, we await a reply.
Hello Keith
In response to the Long Rock hanging balls issue. These were "raised" at a recent depot meeting, and the Engineer Mr Grobelaar is very proud of his balls! They are stopping marker, simple but ingenious. When a HST or Voyager wiper touches the ball, you are at the optimum position opposite the new steps along the cab side.
My suggestion of a high water marker was far from factual! Though we'd be in trouble if the sea reached this high!
All the best
Craig Thanks Craig
Mike Morant

Swindon-Bath-Bristol-Par and ECS to Penzance
David Tozer Andrew Triggs Roger Salter and Roger Winnen
Ron and Jenny Westwater
Two loco hauled over Gover within 15 minutes!!!!!
B Rgds Ron