Roger Winnen
The whole station area was well laid out for the occasion dealing with the many hundreds of people visiting. The Car Park was closed, however free Buses were laid on to convey the visitors from a Park and Ride Car Park opposite Bodmin College and at Bodmin Parkway Station. The T9 30120 together with 30587 the Beattie Well Tank were also on show on the adjacent line. Passengers for the train also had time to look around both the maintenance shed and a view into the running shed whilst crossing the lines to gain access to the platform.
Congratulations to the Bodmin & Wenford Railway for laying on such an event!
All the best for now, Craig Many thanks Craig - the first of many but as it is such a short line there is a limit to what Roger can put in a feature. He will have to be selective.
David Tozer
Sid Sponheimer
Roger Winnen
John Cornelius