Adrian King
Hi Keith
Wasn't sure if it was OK to get in touch now as I know you've been having problems with your PC. Hope your keeping well and the weather in Cornwall has improved since I last heard from you. As usual your website has been a wealth of useful &very interesting information and I understand some of the CRS membership may well be 'on tour' in this part of South Wales. The photographs sent in by all the contributors are excellent but Mike Morant & John Cornelius especially so.
One of John's latest shows Taunton Castle passing Curry Rivel Junction and I thought you may like to see the enclosed, especially if your members are staying in Cardiff, of the same 7036 Taunton Castle, together with driver, at a very wet Cardiff General on a Saturday in August 1961 preparing to head west for Swansea. Best regards Adrian Many thanks Adrian
- Sunday
Just spoken to Roger. Still roaming around Wales at present. He has only taken 2010 photographs at present. Looks like the site will be awash with Welsh ones in due course. Sounded like he is not enjoying the comforts of these lovely Welsh Class 142/143's. Oh you are lucky in Cornwall not to have them. We may loose ours one day.
I sent him the attached on Sunday evening.
46100 lost a lot of time going back and missed going via Frome etc. Reading that the Royal Duchy is off on Sunday - no steam engine available.
Dave Many thanks David
John Cornelius
BR South Devon 7