Neil Phillips
The photos show the first two legs of the tour - it was dark by the time the train was on the third and final leg although I was in position on the surviving footbridge at the site of the former Patney & Chirton station on the Berks & Hants line to witness its passing. The day had thankfully been bright and sunny, although by 22.15 it was bitterly cold! Vision may have been impaired by then but the still clear night air meant the sound of 4 Maybachs working flat out could be heard for miles in both directions.
Keith Jenkin
Later that evening I went to Trevingey Crossing complete with a tape recorder. It was a still night and 'Ranger' could be heard from a long distance. However it was all over in flash and I watched the tail lamp of the train round the bend under Coach Lane bridge - the end of an era. As I slowly walked home the sound of two Maybachs came again as Ranger was opened up at Redruth station - it could be clearly heard until it passed Scorrier.
John Cornelius