Jeremy Doe
Mark Lancaster
In researching for the new video I discovered some wonderful pictures (and history) on your site and thought they would be really useful in my video. Naturally, I didn't want to poach them and hence I'm seeking your permission to use some of them. Assuming I'm given permission, rest assured that any material I do use will be credited to your site in my video details section.
To give you a flavour of what I'm trying to achieve, along with filming I have recently done I would like to show past and present pictures. It has proved quite difficult to reproduce the exact camera angels, for a number of reasons.... different photographic equipment, lenses and processing, tree/bush growth, new fences and trying to capture pictures in similar light conditions as in the originals. I have attached some photos of the area I've captured so far. Two are pictures taken from your site and the others are (to the best of my ability) are taken from the exact same positions. In fact, the milk factory sidings picture needs to be done again. I realise that I need to have the camera a foot or so lower and the camera lense brought forward around five foot. I'm just waiting for the right lighting conditions, then I'll be down there again.
You are more than welcome (if you wish to) to use my images on your site.
I look forward to hearing from you soon... hopefully before I finish editing the video. Kind regards Mark Lancaster.
Well, with permissions obtained, we couldn't refuse could we? Here are his samples. Many thanks Mark
Coal Concentration Depot
Ron Kosys
Andrew Triggs
John Cornelius