The national network may be closed but we carry on
Have a very good day.
Laurence Hansford
Good Evening Keith,
Since people have been sending in some seasonal snowy pictures I thought you might like these ones of St Ives in the Snow. I apologise for their poor quality but I took them with my father’s pre-war Box Brownie. Note the “icicle” hanging down the side of the water tank! It must have been sufficiently cold to freeze the overflow so the water just found the lowest point to run down. I can’t be sure which winter it was but I fancy it was 61/62 but at a pinch could have been 62/63. There are 9 photos so I will send them in a couple of instalments.
Anyway, have a LOVELY CHRISTMAS.
PS In case anybody is wondering how I was able to wander about all over the tracks, I was wearing my Govt. Surplus RN Submariner’s heavy sweater made of natural wool which made me invisible in the snow. Also, of course, on a Sunday in the wintertime the station and its environs were always completely deserted!
Keith Jenkin
Victor Menhennet