Wishing all members, contributors and visitors to our website a
Great Christmas and Happy
New Year From Mick House.
Guy Vincent
The pics I sent last night show the two 56's arriving at Westbury from the Hawkeridge Junction direction, they came from Washwood Heath, Birmingham, via Cheltenham, Bristol and Bath then up the Avon Valley through Bradford-on-Avon. I was on the last bridge before Westbury looking towards Hawkeridge first, then towards the signal box and station. Sorry I didn't make this clear in the posting last night.
This morning I was able to catch another shot of the 56s stabled in Westbury up yard together with 66847 and 66716, these two were about to leave for Hinksey yard, Oxford at 0955am. Colas must have need of extra locos over Christmas as they look to have hired in 66716 from GBRf.
I see from postings on one of the groups that 56087 & 56302 are due to work on Friday 23rd, 6T56 0830 Westbury-Swindon Cocklebury (via Melksham) arr 0953, returning Tuesday 27th as 6T56 0710 Swindon Cocklebury-Westbury via Foxhall Jctn (0739-54) and Melksham, arriving Westbury at 0910. This is what I've seen anyway!
Regards GV Many thanks Guy
Peter Murnaghan
The Angarrack Village Lights
Roger Winnen
Let us try again!
'A wild and lonely place'
Roger Winnen
The North Pole Express see the features page

Chris Harvey
Merry Christmas!
Best Regards, Chris Harvey Bodmin
Many thanks Chris - a nice picture.