Robert Lindley
Three cheers for whoever thought of remembering this long gone station in such a manner.
Edinburgh to Penzance
Roger Winnen
We simply can't pin down any precise dates, either for the introduction of the 125 services, or for the commissioning of the platform extension at Liskeard. Please could you help us with this conundrum?
With very best wishes and congratulations on the CRS website.
Kind regards, Alec Kendall Thanks for your query - we hope this answers it.
With reference to the use of vinyls on the front of an HST as seen in the pictures above one wonders who authorised the placing of these labels, it raises two issues. (1) Of safety, what if the vinyl started to peel off at speed, and (2) surely the application wouldn't have done the paintwork any good? A good idea through - the 'Heart Line'.
John Cornelius