Today is Roger Winnen’s 70th Birthday – nobody who knows of the Cornwall Railway Society will not have heard of Roger. He is a very committed commitee member having served on the CRS committee for 38 years and also served on the PRC committee before that. He was, from an early age, a well known member of the Penzance ‘Wall Gang’ – a group who surveyed the comings and goings at Penzance from the wall overlooking that station. His general knowledge of railways is second to none.
As you will all know Roger has played a very active part on the CRS, always willing to turn a hand to help out. He produces our annual quiz – ‘Winnens Winning Ways’, a major feature in our indoor programme for many years. .
It is, however, during the longer days in the Spring, Summer and Autumn that Roger really comes to the fore, once playing a leading role in the organisation of charter trains and more recently in dreaming up ideas for our excursions by road and rail all of which are planned meticulously with contingency arrangements should things go awry.
A more recent facet of the Railway Societies activities have been week long explorations of all parts of the National Railway system. Roger has spent many hours on these working out the very complicated arrangements of bus and train travel. Roger is also present at almost all of the CRS bookstall events – always there to help out.
Last and by no means least have been Rogers contributions as a fellow operator of our website - he is a major contributor with regular news updates and pictures.
So, Roger, we all wish you a Very Happy Birthday indeed and hope that we will have the pleasure of your company for many years to come. Quite what the Cornwall Railway Society would do without Roger is anybody’s guess.
Keith Jenkin