I have it on good authority, though I am not allowed to reveal my source, that the re-signalling of the main line in Cornwall has again been postponed indefinitely on cost grounds. So we can look forward to our semaphore signals and our remaining signal boxes, for a few more years yet.
Tony Wright
Tony Hill sent in this comment with which I think we would all agree. Excellent news for train reliability and passenger satisfaction if this means these Cornish Mech boxes will remain beyond 2025-30 (the envisaged dates for transfer of signal control to the Didcot Mega box and thus closure of SBs in Cornwall & elsewhere on the Western).
Remember Mechanical Signalling has a place on a non intensive railway and is far more reliable than costly high tech rapidly superseded and prone to satellite hazarded stuff worked by highly paid people sitting unhealthily at a desk all day looking at screens and using a mouse etc !