This is a most unusual event, in fact, only the second time such a train has traversed the line. The train has to run before the first scheduled train of the day and the timings are thus on the early side. This web site would be extremely pleased to receive any pictures taken of this train - so please, if you do see it lineside and are willing to have your pictures on the web please let us see them as soon as possible. You will be credited with the pictures selected - they will also be marked copyright.
5Z11 08.55 Penzance to Truro e.c.s.
Truro 09.30
2Z11 09.37 Truro - Falmouth
Truro 09.37
Penryn 09.49 / 09.59
Falmouth 10.07
2Z12 10.17 Falmouth to Truro
Fal 10.17
Penryn 10.25 / 10.27
Truro 10.40
5Z12 10.50 Truro - Penzance return e.c.s.
Penzance arr 11.27