Saltash & S. Brent
Clive Smith
Regards, Clive Smith

Paul Barlow
Stephen Widdowson
Roy Hart
I (KJ) wrote and thanked Roy for his response to a recent request b David Cooke concerning the last engine at Newton Abbot shed.
Dear Keith,
Thanks for your message. I must confess that I rather enjoy these 'mystery' cases which come up from time to time!
I suppose that there are fewer and fewer of us who have memories of these things. The other day I pulled out my old negatives from the 1960s, wondering about how to get them scanned. I found pictures of the GWS special in 1967 when the Hall and 1466 hauled four coaches from Plymouth to Didcot. Society members, limited to 100, were offered the ride - for the princely sum of 2 quid. I rode on it. Left home at 0530, rode the special as far as Westbury, took a DMU to Bristol and was home in bed at Trevingey by midnight! On thinking about it though, this was 54 years ago (I was 16). How many of us who rode that train are left, I wonder?
All good wishes to you and Valerie. Hope to see you before too long.
Nway and Roy