The cement train in steam days was always interesting. When the Southern was in charge the train of twenty one presflo’s was split at Riverside Yard. Exmouth Junction would send a locomotive to move it to Central in two portions. When the Western took over their locomotives worked through assisted with three Southern engines, two on the rear and the other one was attached to the train engine on the front. It was not unknown for the train to stall on the bank. The Central Station pilot would be attached to the front to get the train off the bank.
Presflo’s from Plymstock were moved to Exeter via the 0155 Friary – Exmouth Junction. This train also had presflo’s for Barnstaple, Later in the days of full Western Region control the cement from Westbury was worked via Yeovil Junction to Central. Motive power would be a Class 52 or a Class 37. The empties were sent back to Westbury usually hauled by an 08 to Riverside Yard.