Mark Howells
Whilst undertaking my inspections with our contractor I was in the perfect position (in the Up cess) to capture a Class 59 hauling an Up direction aggregate working – drain and train together in harmony!
I also called in at Woodborough Yard to inspect a chamber and couldn’t resist a shot of another Class 59 and train which had had been regulated into the Up loop to permit an high speed service to pass. My work vehicle just happened to be in the perfect position for the picture!
Kind Regards,
Mark Dennis Howells BEng (Hons) MPWI MIAM
Senior Asset Engineer (Drainage & Lineside)
Martin Scane
Treloggan Crossing
Richard Curtis
Here are pictures I’ve taken this evening of the finished work at the treloggan crossing. I just so happened by chance to time it that the 19.22 ex Newquay was going by with unit 150243. The new system is very efficient and a welcome addition by many locals. Network rail have changed the path on the approach from the treloggan side of the crossing approaching the town. This I believe has been done to slow people down to give them longer to see the approach due to the poor visibility on the curve of the track. The siren is effective but not to loud that it will hugely disturb nearby residents.
Regards, Richard Curtis