Having only recently come across your website I would like to commend you on the excellent resource and wealth of information that it provides. I'm currently working my way through the various archives and discovering lots along the way.
I have noticed that from time to time people have asked for requests for information and pictures. I am involved with Dinmore Manor locomotive Ltd and we are due to re-launch the engine in February/ March of this year. It has been decided within the past week that the engine will be returned to traffic in BR unlined black livery, carrying a large early emblem on the tender. We believe this will be the first time a Manor will have carried this livery since 1959. Having looked into the locomotives allocations we have discovered that the engine carried this livery at some point whilst it was shedded at 83D Laira. It has therefore been decided that the engine will appropriately carry an 83D shedplate. So far we have only found 1 picture of Dinmore carrying this livery and it just happens to be whilst on shed at Laira. I was wondering if it would be possible to put a request out on your website for any pictures your members may have of 7820 Dinmore Manor.
According to the engine history it was at Laira from December 1954 - September 1959. Upon leaving Laira It moved onto Truro September 1959 - June 1960. After this short stay it then moved to St Blazey until September 1960 when it then left the south west and moved to Cardif Canton.
The following link to our restoration blog maybe of interest with regular updates on progress http://7820dinmoremanor.blogspot.co.uk/
Any assistance to the above would be gratefully received. Regards,
Peter Chilcott
On behalf of Dinmore Manor Locomotive Ltd