St Ives branch
David Cook
With the help of a gentleman called Courtney Berryman the name of Collins has been put forward (he also confirmed all of the other names that I have been given). As a result of this I am currently trying to cross-reference the name via a number of other sources.
Can I take this opportunity to express my thanks to all concerned with their help regarding this matter.
As confirmed at the meeting Peter Gray's black and white photographic collection had indeed been acquired by Transport Treasury and as a result of this I have acquired another fourteen photographs of 4566 of which I have attached another two which may be of interest to your members.
Pictures (3 and 4) The first taken at St. Ives (3/8/59). Does anyone know the identity of the member of staff crossing the boardwalk?
Picture (5) The second shows 4566+D6320 on the 9.20am St. Ives to St.Erth train near the West Cornwall Golf Club (9/9/61).
David Cook (4566 Group)
Many thanks indeed David for obtaining permission for us to use these fine photographs. We look forward to further news on 4566.

Note :- Rangoon is 4,931 miles away - how about that? Many thanks Roy.
Mike Roach

Viewers can see more of our collection on the Bristol to Cardiff route by clicking here.