Roger Winnen
Michael Forward
I send a picture taken at Newport on 1 October 1999 of 47722 ‘The Queen Mother’ making stately progress with the 14.35 Bristol to Cardiff mail.Happy days.
Thank you and all on the site and contributors for such an excellent website.Michael
Roger Winnen
Ref the above pictures. D1052 'Western Viceroy' at Newquay were of particular interest as they clearly show the experimental cab ventilation slots unique to this loco that were located in the small roof overhang above the windscreens. I have never seen two photos taken at the same time showing both ends so belated (by 45 years!) thanks to Roger. These were an alternative arrangement to the small black vents cut into the front of just 5 'Westerns' at both ends; D1012 D1028 D1039 D1056 and D1071.
Andrew Thompson