Arriving at Penzance in daylight
Andrew Triggs Roger Winnen
Leslie Curnow
Many Thanks Leslie
Brian Pibworth
At the end of a very busy Summer I have been trying to clear up some unfinished uploads to Flickr ( and came across this pair which gave me quite a start as they drifted into Carlisle Citadel Station back in July. Having convinced myself that they hadn't missed their stop at Bristol I realised they were actually anonymous, although still in familiar green plumage.
I must have missed the original event but gather they were put off-lease from GWR and transferred to Northern Railways for whom they have just completed a service trip from Newcastle to Carlisle. In these days of vinyl overlays it must be a matter of a minutes to de-brand a DMU but paintwork is clearly another story, enabling God's Wonderful Railway to fly the flag on the Borders for a while longer at least.
With kind regards, Brian
Many thanks for your recap on a busy summer Brian. Though Carlisle is a 'little way' beyond our 'region' perhaps this is an excuse for a last look at old friends!!

to 50042
Mark Lynam
Thanks, Mark Lynam - and Thank you Mark.
Clive Smith
Regards Clive Smith Many thanks Clive.

Roger Geach
Long Rock
Roger Winnen