Michael Forward

Swindon Works Visit by the Cornwall Railway Society on Saturday 29th March 1980
Camborne station
Good evening to you.
I have received this self-explanatory article published in ‘The Cornishman’ on 23 February 2023 from Ted Hand, a current CRS member and a long time railway friend.
Ted was the driving force behind this memorial to Jethro.
Can we publish this article on the CRS website so it reaches a wider audience.?
There will not be a copyright issue with publishing this newspaper article on the CRS website as it has been previously published by ‘The Cornishman’ for the public domain.
That is the nature of newspaper articles.
It would be nice to see it on the CRS website.
I can’t recall seeing it previously but I am sure either of you will enlighten me if it has.!
Colin Pidgeon
James Bown