Michael Forward
Best wishes, Michael
Andrew Triggs
Craig Munday
Ollie Turrell
Kingsbridge and District Light Railway
Clive Smith
Regards, Clive Smith Many thanks Clive
Roger Winnen
The Mail to Low Fell at Plymouth Michael Forward I attach a picture taken at Plymouth of 67006 on 28 April 2000 with vans which would later form the 15.07 to Low Fell. Best wishes, Michael Taunton 66's Andrew Triggs Evening Roger/Keith, Back from the excellent Rail Ex 2018 model railway show at Taunton School, in between caught the following Class 66's at Taunton station for CRS All the Best Andrew. Many thanks Andrew. Craig's Out & About Craig Munday Hi Keith, Quite a week light wise. I've been sanding the rails early in the week, which allowed some time to capture some passing trains. The MOM's providing sand to the rails in strategic places on the main line has complemented the RHTT. All the best, Craig. Many thanks Craig. Diesel to Electric Ollie Turrell These pictures are really out of our region being taken at Didcot. [Our region is that covered by the Freedom of the South West Rover Ticket]. However, as this train has passed through our region (Cardiff - Swindon)we'll make an exception this time. Here at Didcot we see the pantograph raised on a class 800, a sight we'll never see in Cornwall. Many thanks Ollie. Developments at the Kingsbridge and District Light Railway Clive Smith Things have been happening down in Kingsbridge since my last visit back in April. The railway took its 10,000th visitor in early August and building has commenced of its new Parkside station as seen in picture 3. Previously the line came to a stop at the end of The Embankment riverside path. Now the line curves in a 'u' (picture 2) to terminate at a new site that will be the Parkside station. Currently adjacent to this is the railway's 'shed'. I use this term loosely as wooden box would be more appropriate. This is where the railway keeps its regular rolling stock. Talking to the one of the members, I was told they plan to have the station built by this December complete with roof and platform. The shed will be no more, replaced by a purpose-built brick structure. Runnings will cease at the end of October but there are plans to run over the Christmas holidays when it is hoped the new station will be used. Regards, Clive Smith Many thanks Clive Winnen's Westerns
Penzance Roger Winnen Comments are closed.
February 2025