Norman Finnimore
I have pulled levers & the steps/stairs were on the left looking across the rail, There was a Black hut & toilet on the left & a wicket gate + vehicle crossing gate, The pill box was further left & a wicket gate to the right of that leading to the canal towpath hence the concrete post & wire, (a farmer would not do that). The door to the levers underneath was on the right (Durston end). In the box the levers were along the lineside of the box & the stove & desk were behind,Off memory no windows on the canal side but end windows each end,
I will gladly discuss on 07860663877, Regards N Finnimore
Emma Shard
Emma Shard.
Ron Kosys
Royal Train 1937
David Ward
Now in my 80's I use to belong to the local railway society where I live writing many articles for them and at one time programme organiser. As I no longer have a car now relying on my Old Age Bus and Rail Card for occasional excursions. I try to keep up with Railways and their development both Old and New around the world belonging to a couple of the professional railway sites and having an Eldest Daughter who is a Transport Planner in Sustainability and projects
I like your web-site the interest and the daily upgrades.
One of the things I hold is the following document that you might be interested for your documents page. This is interesting as it came to Camborne in 1937.
Continue with the excellent web-site and Best wishes for the future.
David Ward.