Trevor Tremethick
A bit late for ‘Boxing Day News’ but I managed to get time to grab the attached shot of a full Laira at about a quarter to four today. All looks closed up. There are two spare power cars on the fourth track in from Embankment Road, these being 43094 (nearest) and 43122, a bit hard to make out as there is a train behind them. There was another last week but I was unable to see the number.
Also. I would like to wish you and yours all the very best for the coming year.
I hope I speak for many in thanking you for your outstanding and tireless work on the Society’s website which continues to be an important, and I believe international, resource as the railway we once knew gradually slips away into history.
With kind regards
Wishing you both the very best for 2024
Boxing day at Longrock
5 years apart.
Dennis Clarke and Mark Lynam
Blue 37's on the clay
Jon Hird
Roger Winnen
step nearer reopening.
Initial permission for the work was given in November 2022 with the requirement of addressing issues around five invasive plant species found on parts of the route. New documents submitted indicate that a plan to tackle the plants is in place, with initial construction potentially starting before the end of 2024.
A Network Rail Spokesman said: “We will be submitting our full business case for MetroWest Phase 1 to the Department for Transport at the end of February 2024. Should we be successful in securing funding, construction would start in the late autumn (2024).”