What should have seen the second day of a class 802 in Cornwall was thwarted by a failure of the unit and it's replacement by a good old HST!! Please see report by Mike Hunt 22nd August 2018 above.
Roger Salter Roger Winnen
Colas Rail class 70 at Exeter. By Alan Peter.
John Cornelius
You will be very sorry to hear that John is rather poorly and for the time being is housebound with trouble with his legs. If you know John he would very much appreciate a chat - though he would be grateful if you keep your calls fairly brief as he gets rather tired. John would love to talk about railway topics - the old times, his days as a signalman Western and Southern Regions, or on the preservation days at Yeovil Railway Centre or even about his bell ringing experiences.
If you would like to contact John you can ring him on 01460 241 367 (If you get an answer phone, please be patient - it takes time to get to the phone), John's e-mail address is [email protected]. If you live locally you might like to visit him - he lives at 3, Buttle Close, Shepton Beauchamp, TA19 0EU (But please call to arrange a visit first).
Another contact is John's sister Jane Cornelius who lives at Exeter. Her number is 078 80 555 915
You will all appreciate that over the years John has sent us many many pictures - over a thousand for which we are extremely grateful. We will be continuing with his Cornish collection on the website.
Alan Harris