and 5553 at Bodmin
Roger Winnen
Andrew Triggs & Jon Hird
43092/189 with GW02 set substituted on 3 runs to Newquay today due to problems with the class 150 fleet earlier in the day, until later replacement by 150244. Myself and several other enthusiasts (and lineside photographers) took advantage of the deputising Castle set, in the twilight of their long service in the South West as the enclosed show
All the Best
1.43189 leading 2N04 13.15 Par-Newquay prior to departure at Par
2. 43092 trailing 2N04 at Par
3. On arrival at Newquay 43092 will now lead 2N05 14.25 Newquay-Par
4. 43189 at Newquay following arrival with 2N04 from Par
5. 43189 from behind the currently disused platform 1
ATB Andrew Triggs
I keep trying to get excited about these now that they’re on borrowed time, but with them having been around the whole time I’ve been interested in Railways, it’s difficult to get into them. They’ve been a part of the scene for so long it just feels like they can’t ever be removed. I guess I’m in for a reality check once they are abolished to history.
It was nice to visit some old spots along the Newquay line again, it feels like ages since anything interesting went down there!
All the best, Jon Hird
Chris Harvey & Jon Hird