on the Plymouth Christmas Market Special
On its way down.
David Field, David Tozer and Trevor Tremethick
on the Plymouth Christmas Market Special
Roger Winnen Leslie Curnow
Andrew Triggs
This is possibly the last visit of 60009 Union Of South Africa to the South West as the boiler ticket is due to expire and talks of the engine being placed into a museum have been circulating.
on the Plymouth Christmas Market Special
The return journey
David Tozer
The Western Lizard
Clive Smith
See this link for pictures released this week by the DTG of its new guise - Diesel Traction Group - D1015 Western Champion .
Having ended its BR days in standard blue with full yellow ends its latest incarnation will provide quite a talking point. Here are two pictures of D1015's extremely smart and genuine golden ochre first livery following its return to the main line in 2002. The railtour was called the 'Western Lizard' but the train confusingly carried a 'Western China Clay' headboard in homage to the fondly remembered December 1976 tour. The date is 19th March 2005 and the train originated from Ealing Broadway and was run by Pathfinders. The first picture shows D1015 at Golant on a stunning afternoon. The second picture shows the railtour approaching St Blazey Bridge Crossing on its way to Newquay. I must have been standing next to the legendary Roger Geach as the website's archive section has a picture of his of the train coming from the opposite direction .
Regards, Clive Smith
Many thanks for the superb pictures and for the link which you sent. This also well worth exploring - very interesting.
Friday 30th November 2018
Roger Salter
Let’s trace this back to probably about 1970 when the late Ivor Hocking used to travel down by train from Plymouth for every meeting of the West Cornwall Group of the Plymouth Railway Circle – at that time meetings were held at Murdock House in Redruth. Ivor used to bring a case full of books for sale he often stayed at Keith Jenkin’s place.
After some time it was decided to have a bookstall at the West of England Traction Engine Rally – this was held at Silverwell. To protect the books the PRC purchased a small tent – the PRC disc was mounted outside on a pole to advertise the organisation.
Later on, to further advertise the booksale tent a white pole on which half size home and distant semaphore signals were mounted. A copy of the PRC disc was locally made and added to the pole.
It was quite cramped inside the tent which had to contain at least two operators for security purposes and a pasting table for the books. On one year everything at the Rally virtually came to a stand when there was considerable rain which increased to a cloudburst. The thin fabric of the tent only served to break down the extremely heavy drops which emerged inside the tent as a mist!! Quite how many people gained some shelter inside the tent at that time is not recorded but it was very full.
After a time the booksales became established at Redruth rather than Plymouth due to Ivor Hocking being unable to travel the distances involved. This was where one of the West Cornwall Committee members, Rick Palmer, took charge of the bookstall and the stock was held at Redruth and replenished as necessary. This must have been about 1975/6. Meantime we still operated a stand at the Traction Engine Rally but luckily through the kindness of the organisers were able to find sheltered sanctuary within one of the large tents at the Rally. Our bookstall expanded considerable onto large plywood tables supplemented by plywood wings onto which large displays of railway pictures were assembled by Peter Butt.
In November 1977 at a meeting held at the Falcon Restaurant Redruth it was agreed by those present to form an independent organisation of railway enthusiasts still based at Redruth. At a subsequent committee it was agreed that the new organisation would be called ‘The Cornwall Railway Society. Now being completely independent of the Plymouth Railway Circle all stocks of books and relevant cash were handed back to the PRC. The new organisation was funded by loans from Committee Members.
Our numbers increased dramatically especially as at the time we began running railtours – which provided us with a substantial income. Concerned at whether the floor (First floor level) at The Falcon could stand the weight of members present we moved to a larger accommodation at the St John Ambulance hall.
Rick Palmer continued to run the book stall often assisted by the late Alan Milburn until December 2000, nearly a quarter of a century. At this point Tony Goulding took charge. Tony really enjoyed the task and, using his own transport made the society better known by visiting various model railway events some quite far away. Tony continued to run the bookstall very efficiently.
In due course it was realised that the structure of the St John Ambulance Hall was getting in a bad way and that the staff could no longer afford to maintain the building which contained a considerable quantity of asbestos. The CRS committee realised that we would need to find new accommodation and this was found at the Community Centre. This was large enough to hold the numbers who attended and had kitchen of sorts. In due course we found even better accommodation at the Memorial Hall at Redruth Methodist Church. This has an excellent kitchen and comfortable seats plus a built in sound and video system.
Meantime, Tony Goulding, after completing over eight and half years as booksales officer and making a considerable contribution to our coffers felt it necessary to retire. In his place came Christine Simmonds who took charge of the book stock and carefully kept the stock up being full of interesting books. With the help of willing members Christine and her books were taken to many model railway meets and again a considerable income resulted from her and her colleagues endeavours. Some venues produced a very good return, others were, at times, disappointing. Christine attended many exhibitions and events and through her diligent efforts brought in a good income to Society as had her predecessors.
Recently it has been difficult to find volunteers to provide transport and problems in this respect have caused the committee to think again about attending these meetings which has been producing reduced income of late, perhaps books are not as popular as they once were. As a result it was decided that the Model Railway event held at Bodmin over the weekend of the 19/20th October 2018 would be the last event we would attend. We are extremely grateful to Christine for the nine and half years she has been in very capable charge
However, on a smaller scale Christine will still provide a bookstand at our indoor meetings – the books on sale will be second hand given by members – so if you have any books in good order you no longer want – then please let Christine have them.
Also thanked for their assistance over the years are Mike Bojko, Peter Bragg, Gerry Chandler, Eric Dowson, Peter Galassini, Mike Hitchens, Richard Horwood, Mick House, The late Keith Lloyd, Ian Mckey, Trevor Tremethick, Roger Winnen, and Tony Wright. Sincere apologies and thanks to anyone we have missed out.
Paignton and Dartmouth Railway
The steam railways first Christmas specials start today - if you wish to avail yourself of the details please click below.