Michael Forward

David Tozer
Charlotte Vincent
Photo by Charlotte Vincent
Cheers for now , Guy Vincent.
Ron Kosys
Trewerry Query
Good afternoon, I was given your contact details by Paul Maynard at Cormac. I am doing an archaeological and historic impact assessment of proposed works incorporating the former railway line between Benny Bridge and Trewerry and I wondered if you would have any information and images of this section of the line that may be helpful (and interesting) for my report.
I was out visiting the site yesterday and aside from the obvious surviving bridges I could see that traces of walling still survive alongside the former track leading to Trewerry Halt and also part of the level crossing on the opposite side of the road. Any images to help make sense of what was there previously would be enormously helpful.
I look forward to hearing back from you – and if you are able to send me anything please let me know if it would be okay to use any of it in my report and how you would like anything referenced.
Kind regards
Dr Fiona Fleming
Senior Archaeologist | Cornwall Archaeological Unit
Environment Service | Neighbourhoods | Cornwall Council
Fal Building, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro. TR1 3AY
01872 326952 (working from home)|07483 357270 [email protected]