Royal Blue in Cornwall
Peter Murnaghan
Our friends at the Thames Valley and Great Western Omnibus Trust are running another of their marathon long distance coach runs. This year it's from Harlow to Stroud, via Southampton and Truro, surely a long way round ! Tomorrow they will leaving Plymouth, after an overnight stop, at 0900, passing through Liskeard town at around 1005, St Austell at 1155, into Truro coach park at 1230. Then on to Newquay at 1335, Wadebridge 1405, Launceston 1515, Bideford 1645 and on to Barnstaple for an overnight stop, arriving at around 1710.
More details on their website which also has more details on the routeing. As in previous years, the cavalcade tries to follow the old roads, rather that using modern bypasses. It looks a though up to 20 coaches will be on the run.
You might be interested to see one of my many photos taken on the run in 2012, passing through Liskeard.
Uffington Sta to Yorkshire.
Ken Mumford

Roger Winnen
Roger Winnen
Chris Bellett
Kind Regards,
Chris Bellett
Retired S&T Engineer
Michael Forward

Keith Turley
Bathpool Crossing
Bill Elston
66708, Par to Westbury rail delivery train, 45min early,
950001, the class 150-based test train, returning to Derby R T C. from Truro
150207 ecs Bristol to Exeter, not often seen in this area now.
Other passing traffic was the usual prosession of IETs, Castle HST sets and Voyagers
Best wishes, Bill.
Compton Beauchamp
Ken Mumford
Adrian King
Cheers Adrian
Richard Holladay
-- My brothers and I have been recollecting the comments our Dad might have made when we were much younger and pre 1979 when Garton & King's Foundry at Tan Lane closed - whilst Dad acknowledged that the foundry often melted old railway line chairs (a good source of scrap) for recasting - doubtless into Manhole Covers ! he did mention that the company - I cannot recall when - made signal Finial Tops for the GWR - I know there is a collection (Malcolm Stone) of these at Launceston Raiway Museum but if anyone has access to any information / documentation that refers to the system of Codeing cast into the GWR (I don't think it was L & SWR or SR that G & K cast for) finials that relates to the source foundry and consequently can confirm this tale I would like to hear from them - can you 'spread the word' please.
One other point - on the English Heritage Blog about Manhole Covers - see
G & K gets really good coverage - one of the oldest covers which I have got Nicky Hughes, the author, to include is literally 'Just over the border' into Devon and is , together with an identical twin - in the forecourt of Bere Alston Station and is as old as the Station itself and is the first image on The Blog.
Perhaps if your members should cast their eyes downwards on Railway Station Property within Devon & Cornwall and see a Cover without LTD attached to the Garton & King name they are looking at a bit of pre 1925 history - I.d be please to see an image and confirmation of location.
Trust you are keeping safe
Oh, G & K had a contract to supply, in the early 1960s, Pick Up Shoes for the London Underground - details appearing on the website shortly!
Guy & Cathy Vincent
1Z95 1210 Windsor & Eton Riverside - St Austell was formed : 67006 2921 2903 2904 2922 2923 2916 2917 2915 2920 10546 67005
1) 2921 Royal Household Couchette, Kitchen and Bathroom. Previous numbers 14107 17107 Converted 1986
2) 2903 HM The Queen's Lounge, Bedroom & Bathroom. Previous number 11001 (TF) Built 1972 as part of the prototype HST set 252001. Converted in 1977.
3) 2904 HRH The Duke of Edinburgh's Lounge, Bedroom & Bathroom. Previous number 12001 (TS) Built 1972 as part of the prototype HST set 252001. Converted in 1977.
4) 2922 HRH The Prince of Wales's Sleeping Car. Purpose-built in 1987
5) 2923 HRH The Prince of Wales's Saloon. Purpose-built in 1987
6) 2916 Royal Family Dining Car / Kitchen. Previous number 40512 (TRFK) Converted 1986
7) 2917 Royal Household Dining Car / Kitchen. Previous Number 40514 (TRFK) Converted 1986
8) 2915 Royal Household Sleeping Car. Previous Number 10735. Converted 1985
9) 2920 Royal Household Couchette Diesel Generator & Brake Van. Previous Numbers 14109 17109 Converted 1986
10) 10546 Sleeping Car DB Cargo Owned
The train made a delightful sight as it made its way west through the Somerset countryside. Sadly for linesiders the return was under cover of darkness although an hours break was taken at Westbury where the water tanks on the coaches were replenished.
Photo of full train headed by 67006 taken by Cathy V. Remainder (of the stock passing Berkley Marsh) taken by myself. Final image of the return in P2 at Westbury taken by 'A.Driver' who wishes to remain anonymous.
Best regards
Guy V
(N.B. This items is repeated in features)