R & C re-creation
Keith Jenkin
Eric acted as "advisor" to Cornwall Council who had this piece of track laid as part of their overall project to restore the mine waste site to a play area, which took place between June/July and around Christmas time of last year'.
Eric tells me that the components used are all new i.e. new granite setts and chairs and rails cast by Iron Brothers of Wadebridge. The gauge is 4 foot as per the original. The rail is from a profile taken of the section of track from his "demonstration" piece in Carharrack and the chairs are cast from moulds that he had made by Terrill Brothers, Hayle. The site of this work is in the exact location as his drawing contained in his book, a copy of which he offered to form part of an information board, but his offer was not taken up.
Andrew Triggs
2 shots of celebrity IET 800321 yesterday morning passing Slopers, Eastern Green working 1C69 06.37 London Paddington-Penzance, later departing with 1A88 12.15 Penzance-London Paddington return
All the Best
Thanks Andrew
Virgin Trains
Paul Barlow
a word from the editors.
All good wishes, Father John Gibert.
John Peach
We have just purchased a property on the outskirts of Madron. In the
1891 Census, the head of the household was a John Peach (aged 62 yrs)
who states he is a 'Railway Superintendent'. I have searched in the GWR
archive and have no luck! Do you have any information in your group? I
suspect he worked with GWR in ?Penzance????? My eldest (Edward aged
15yrs) is a railway enthusiast and while he's constructing his GWR
models I thought it would be fun to try to find out any info' possibly
on someone who once owned our house!
Many thanks. Dr Ian Willetts FRCS for Edward Willetts