The remainder of the days timetable remains the same
Roger Winnen
Driver Alan Peters
Driver Alan Peters
Roger Salter
Part 1
Paul Burkhalter
Mark Lynam
1. 43321 at Newton Abbot in the rain working 1V44 0609 Leeds to Plymouth.
I had hoped to see the 67s here as well, I expected them to stop here as RTT said. Instead it went through at line speed so my camera was on the wrong settings and sadly missed it.
2. I went on to Paignton for it instead, knowing that the Purple one would now be on the North end. 67007 is seen in Goodrington Yard.
3. I then went up to Exeter St Davids and back to Paignton to pass a couple of hours as the 67s were due to wait at Goodrington for a few hours and it was a dull day, luckily I had a Devon Ranger. SWR 159015 and GWR 158798 seen side by side.
4. Back in Paignton to see 67007 pull into the station.
5. 67007 pulls away from Paignton working 1Z67 1730 Paignton to Peterborough.
6. 67005 "Queen's Messenger" on the rear
Mark Lynam
Many thanks to Mark Lynam - all pictures his Copyright.
Tony Shore
Bill Elston
1) 1Z70 0700 Paddington to Minehead hauled by 45596 BAHAMAS
2) 1Z66 0600 Peterborough to Paignton, T/T with Royal 67005 and purple 67007,
both seen passing Wick in very poor light
Best wishes
Last Cross Country HST service
Ken Mumford