I’ll send over all the shots and let you choose any suitable for your website, this will take several days.
The first 3 Pics are of the 08.45 Plymouth Friary to Fawley dated Freight [Headcode 6094].
Mark Lynham
Thanks, Mark Lynam
Bill Elston
of same, and found the following shots of it, all at Exeter St David’s, all on cross-country turns.
a) dated 8/12/87. b) dated 29/5/93. c) dated 5/7/97.
Hope they of interest,
Best wishes, Bill
Being slightly pedantic can I question the caption regarding the third photograph which states that a “55xx waits to continue its journey” I think you will find that this is in actual fact a 41xx/51xx probably on banking duties (note the target number 2). My reasoning for this is the chimney is broader/shorter than those fitted to a 45/55xx. In addition, on a 55xx the running plate level runs straight in a unbroken line from the smokebox end to the rear buffer beam. The loco pictured clearly shows a step down on the rear framing under the bunker which indicates to me back a large prairie not a small one.
Regards, David Cook
(4566 Group)