Chris Osment
Chris Osment
Roger Salter David Tozer Roger Winnen
Peter Dale
Part 2
Michael Forward
Staffords Bridge
Paul Barlow
Kind regards. Paul Barlow
Guy Vincent
Following recent developments I'll provide another HST fleet update shortly, also observations on redundant rail left by the lineside.
Regards for now. Guy Vincent
Martin Scane
Exe Valley Line
James Bown
An appeal
The planning application is P/FUL/2023/04880 and can be found at under planning and the link below should take you straight to the application.
Planning application: P/FUL/2023/04880 - (
When making your comments you can mention briefly why you support the proposal for a new car park. It would be fine, for example, to explain what the railway means for you personally (eg as a volunteer perhaps meeting and making friends, learning new skills, or contributing to conserving worthwhile railway heritage, or as a visitor perhaps, enjoying the attraction the station offers for all the family, using its facilities or experiencing its special event days etc).
The important thing to remember is that without this planning permission our future as an active heritage railway will inevitably be severely limited and every positive comment helps.
You can also write to Dorset Council quoting the planning reference but the deadline for your letters is the same as online -20th October.
Many thanks for doing this and thank you to those who have already commented.
NDR Trustee’s