Roger Winnen
John Scragg
IF any of you decide to photograph it I'd be happy to receive your photos and, with your permission, pass them on.
I've taken this decision as I feel it is my responsibility to do my best [bit?] to stop this variant from spreading further.
I'm going, for the first time, to watch an online church service on my computer.
Can I encourage you to take any necessary precautions to avoid passing on this nasty variant, please - thank you.
I trust that you will understand,
Kind regards, Ken.
Colin Pidgeon
Paul Barlow
Clive Smith
Mick House
Marchwood Signalbox is situated in the station building that sits on the old Marchwood station platform (photos 1 & 2). I was lucky enough on the 8th September 2021 to be give a privileged look inside. I was visiting the site to photograph the NetworkRail Measurement train that was traversing the Fawley branch, top and tailed with two class 73 locos and 4 couches, with 73 963 Janice, 72612, 977868, 5981, 6264 & 73 965 Des O`Brien (photos 3 & 4) also note the semaphore signals in these two shots. The Signalbox frame has 23 leavers and the usual assortment of switches, dials, gauges and buttons mounted above and above that is the track diagram, then to the left are modern day computer monitors, one also with a track diagram (photos 5, 6, 7 & 8), then to the right of the frame is the token machine (photo 9). The final shot (photo10) is of the driver of the train returning the branch token to the signalman before departing back towards Totton and then rejoining the main line.
Photographs numbered
1 - 2
3 - 4 ect
Chris Bellett
Chris Bellett
I know its on the edge of our area of coverage but here is the latest WESSEX alteration.
Take care,
Chris Bellett, Retired S&T Engineer, CRS Member
From the Wessex Route Weekly Operating Notice No.38/21
In connection with the Stage 2 Andover Sidings Project the following works and alterations have taken place.
The current siding adjacent to the Ludgershall branch has been converted into a run-round loop to be known as the Ludgershall
Loop Siding. The portion of the existing branch line between the two ends of the new loop has been re-named as the Ludgershall
Branch Siding.
The Ludgershall Branch denomination has moved to beyond the trailing/facing hand point connection at the country end
(Ludgershall) of the new run round loop sidings.
The One Train Working (OT – Annetts Key) section towards Ludgershall will now start and end from BE471/BE466 Stop Boards
(back-to-back) at 67m 14ch
Andover Ground Frame has been abolished and No.1 Points have become Hand Points. The Shunter’s Acceptance Switch has
been retained. The Annetts Key is no longer be required to operate the points to access the Ludgershall Branch, however it will
be retained in the Acceptance Swich Cabinet and act as the Physical Authority to enter the Ludgershall branch when authorised.
Existing Up-Direction Stop Board BE464 at the London (Andover) end of Ludgershall Branch Siding has been renumbered
BE460, and a new Up-Direction stop board BE464 has been provided on the Ludgershall Branch on the approach to the new run
round loop sidings.
Existing down-direction Stop Board BE463 on the Ludgershall Branch Siding has been replaced with a new board displaying
updated instructions to reflect the new layout.
A New down-direction Stop Board (BE465) has been provided at the country end of
the Ludgershall Loop Siding, adjacent to BE463.
A new down-direction stop board (BE467) has been provided on the Down Ludgershall Branch approximately 60 metres beyond
the country end (Ludgershall) of the new run round loop sidings.
A new down-direction stop board (BE471) has been provided on the Ludgershall Branch at 67m14ch, marking the entrance to the
OT Annetts Key Section of the Ludgershall Branch.
A new up-direction Stop Board (BE466) has also been provided at 67m14ch marking the end of the OT Annetts Key Section.
Fixed Distant Board BE466R has been provided 456 metres on the approach to BE466.
The existing 25mph PSI located at 66m 51ch has been recovered and a new 25mph PSI has been installed at 66m 70ch (on the
approach to BE467 Stop Board) so that the Permissible Speed throughout the sidings is 15mph.
The existing sidings at the London End of Andover Yard have been rationalised and re-laid. There are two sidings, known as Up
Siding 1 and Up Siding 2. Up Siding 1 is on the site of the former Bay Platform. In addition, a new OTM siding, and Road-Rail
Access Point (RRAP) has been provided and connected to Up Siding 2.
Movements in and out of Up Siding 1 are controlled by BE5204 and BE5203 signals.
A new Down-Direction stop board (BE457) to control movements exiting to the Ludgershall Loop Siding has been provided on the
single lead portion of line Up Siding 2 and OTM Siding
Authority to pass all stop boards within the sidings and authority to enter the Ludgershall Branch will be given by the Shunter or
Nominated Person in Charge.
The former Out of Use (OOU) new OTM Siding has been brought into operational use.
A new Buffer Stop is in place on the new OTM Siding.