Phil Hadley
Andrew Triggs
Great Western barrier coaches no.6336 & 6348 were attatched to 1C50 last night to bring down to Longrock T&RSMD, pictured at platform 1 following arrival, 57605 'Totnes Castle' providing the traction west, also on Oil 2 siding was Rail Grinder DR79263/79273
All the Best
Driver Alan Peters
Bow Station (
Driver Alan Peters
- at the Wesley Memorial Hall Redruth, 18.30 start.
Unfortunatley David Letcher is unwell and unable to provide the promised programe. However our very good friend Roger Winnen has stepped into the breech and will provide a proramme as below with the usual refeshments.
Part 1 Through the Lens 1975
Part 2 The CRS Trip to the North East in 2018