Roger Winnen
Parcels 1984
Steve Widdowson
I bet I can rely on your members for what the train is.
Regards Steve Widdowson
Looking at a Working Timetable for July 1982 That train would be the 12.10 3S15 Parcels to Glasgow
Roger Winnen
Phil Ramsay
I know it’s a MM Collection one but I cant find a way of telling him/the owner.
I discovered this when researching for a modelling conversion. This engine has the RAF Plaque lower to leave space for the Golden
Arrow Arrow when attached. It also has a cut down tender which 74 never had, except possibly in an emergency.
I hope you don’t mind me pointing this out so that others may not be fooled by the 34074 caption.
All the best
Phil Ramsay