at Long Rock
Dennis Clarke & Roger Winnen
The 47 was stabled at Long Rock Depot and Ponsandane sidings until 10th October 1992 when she departed coupled inside of a parcels train.
She was withdrawn in January 1993 and cut up by Booth Roe Rotherham August 1993
Ken Mumford
David Tozer
A solution from DRS may be for operation on the Gunnislake Branch!
I suspect that the two wagons contained the fuel for subs. Thus the coach had security personal. I reckon when they return it will be two locomotives and two wagons. I am always reluctant to post photos of this train due to the hazardous nature of the load carried. Sadly we live in an age of extremists. I see on leaving Devonport they headed on to the Gunnislake branch. Here the crew changed ends to head back to Crewe. All because Notwork Rail removed part of a point. Yes, all well with me. Looking like another lockdown coming. Dave Now I understand - thanks Dave. On your last point it looks like regrettably yes.
A further P.P.S. from Paul Burkhalter. :-
The flasks are loaded away from Devonport, the flasks are always empty inbound. Cheers, Paul Burkhalter.
Now we know, thanks Paul.
Bill Elston
Can you help?