Welcome to the website of the
Cornwall Railway Society
January 2025
Cornwall Railway Society
January 2025
- Bledhen nowydh da! -
Happy new year!
From The Cornwall Railway Society
Happy new year!
From The Cornwall Railway Society
"A website which provides a nice balance of the current WR railway scene, while also reminding us of its rich and varied past. Enabling younger generations to find out what they missed and bringing back happy memories for older generations, of a railway which no longer exists."
Contact us by email:[email protected]
A photograph from each month in 2024 - the highs and the lows - please click through them and enjoy our brief 'year in review'. Hopefully 2025 brings us plenty more interesting railway scenes!
Something new everyday - many thanks to our contributors spread over the SW region. Click here for our news page.
The CRS adheres to UK copyright law. We are aware, however, in this age of multiple media, of the difficulties involved. Any breach of copyright found on this website is inadvertent: any suspected breach should be reported to the webmaster.
New features added recently
Features 2024 (click any feature below):
'The Bodmin Bubble' (23.03.2024)
'The Springtime Cornishman' (04.04.2024)
'May the fourth be with you' (04.04.2024)
'The Royal Duchy' (05.05.2024)
'The Great Western (1Z48)' (10.05.2024 & 11.05.2024)
A CRS visit to the Seaton Tramway (18.05.2024)
'The Cornish Riviera Statesman' (23.05.2024)
The Bodmin Branchline Gala (25.05.2024 & 26.05.2024)
2337: D1015 with 'The English Riviera Airshow' (01.06.2024)
2338: 47810 + 47712 with 'The Mazey Day Cornish Statesman' (29.06.2024)
2339: 50007 + 50049 with 'The Mazey Day Cornishman' (29.06.2024)
2340: The Plym Valley Railway Transport Weekend (30.06.2024)
2341: 47810 + 47712 with 'The Cornish Riviera Statesman' (24.07.2024)
2342: The South Devon Railway 'Rails and Ales Gala' (24-26.08.2024)
2343: 44871 with the final 'Royal Duchy' of 2024 (01.09.2024)
2344: The CRS ride the Cornish Branchlines (07.09.2024)
2345: The Bodmin Railway 'China Clay Gala' (07/08.09.2024)
2346: The Bodmin Railway Diesel Gala (26-29.09.2024)
2347: A CRS visit to The Bideford Railway Centre (28.09.2024)
2348: The Bodmin Railway Winter Steam Up (29.12.2024)
Memories, histories and pictures By Michael L. Roach
You will find a new tab on the left hand side of the home page taking you directly to Michael's latest collection, or click here.
The Cornish Resignalling Program of 2024
All photographs/information sent to us regarding the extensive mainline resignalling project undertaken during early 2024, an event which would change our railway massively.
Features 2024 (click any feature below):
'The Bodmin Bubble' (23.03.2024)
'The Springtime Cornishman' (04.04.2024)
'May the fourth be with you' (04.04.2024)
'The Royal Duchy' (05.05.2024)
'The Great Western (1Z48)' (10.05.2024 & 11.05.2024)
A CRS visit to the Seaton Tramway (18.05.2024)
'The Cornish Riviera Statesman' (23.05.2024)
The Bodmin Branchline Gala (25.05.2024 & 26.05.2024)
2337: D1015 with 'The English Riviera Airshow' (01.06.2024)
2338: 47810 + 47712 with 'The Mazey Day Cornish Statesman' (29.06.2024)
2339: 50007 + 50049 with 'The Mazey Day Cornishman' (29.06.2024)
2340: The Plym Valley Railway Transport Weekend (30.06.2024)
2341: 47810 + 47712 with 'The Cornish Riviera Statesman' (24.07.2024)
2342: The South Devon Railway 'Rails and Ales Gala' (24-26.08.2024)
2343: 44871 with the final 'Royal Duchy' of 2024 (01.09.2024)
2344: The CRS ride the Cornish Branchlines (07.09.2024)
2345: The Bodmin Railway 'China Clay Gala' (07/08.09.2024)
2346: The Bodmin Railway Diesel Gala (26-29.09.2024)
2347: A CRS visit to The Bideford Railway Centre (28.09.2024)
2348: The Bodmin Railway Winter Steam Up (29.12.2024)
Memories, histories and pictures By Michael L. Roach
You will find a new tab on the left hand side of the home page taking you directly to Michael's latest collection, or click here.
The Cornish Resignalling Program of 2024
All photographs/information sent to us regarding the extensive mainline resignalling project undertaken during early 2024, an event which would change our railway massively.
The Michael Bussell collection.
Some time ago Michael Bussell wrote and asked if we would like to see and use some of the railway photographs he had taken during the 1960’s. These were taken, some just before closure and others soon after closure of the lines involved. Also included is a series of photographs of the Portreath area. There is a total of approximately 300 photographs in his collection, each carefully captioned.
Included is his coverage are the last trains to Portishead, and to Clevedon and also the changes on the GW main line at Nailsea and Backwell. He then explores many of the stations on the route from Yatton to Witham branch and includes coverage of the Wrington Vale Railway and the Sandford Quarry branch. One must not forget his article on the Broad Gauge Coach at Portbury – item 2310 in features.
Many of the pictures depicted are ideal for modellers wishing to cover these lines and stations during this period of recession.
You will find the various fascinating pictures appearing as part of the websites coverage of individual lines or branches.
We are extremely grateful to you Michael for so generously giving of his time and work to brings us these unique collections. A wonderful record.
Included is his coverage are the last trains to Portishead, and to Clevedon and also the changes on the GW main line at Nailsea and Backwell. He then explores many of the stations on the route from Yatton to Witham branch and includes coverage of the Wrington Vale Railway and the Sandford Quarry branch. One must not forget his article on the Broad Gauge Coach at Portbury – item 2310 in features.
Many of the pictures depicted are ideal for modellers wishing to cover these lines and stations during this period of recession.
You will find the various fascinating pictures appearing as part of the websites coverage of individual lines or branches.
We are extremely grateful to you Michael for so generously giving of his time and work to brings us these unique collections. A wonderful record.
FOR AERIAL VIEWS - try this website
Loads of old aerial pics, black and white, some go back to 1920s etc. Great ones of Plymouth, Tavistock (particularly a good one of Tavistock South) and many other interesting places.
*** PLEASE NOTE - Other sources of Cornish Pictures ***
Andrew Kirkham has kindly agreed to us advertising his excellent site. With his website Andrew makes available many superb pictures taken in Cornwall. Click here.
Cornish Video - Martin Baker has advised us of an excellent 3 hour video on YouTube, to see this, click here.
About our pictures.
The Cornwall Railway Society website, which has been online since May 2010, was originally planned to just advertise the activities of the society, and give details of the organisation and history of the Society. It has, however, since developed into site where enthusiasts can obtain the latest news on the railway scene and view pictures of the railways in the West Country, past and present. We have also recorded some of the many rail tours which have visited the counties.
If you have any pictures of your own of general railway interest which you would like to see on the site we’d be only too pleased to receive them. Please provide full details with your submissions – they must be your own work, or submitted with the owners permission – they must not be copyright pictures. You may copy pictures for your own use but please ask the copyright holder for permission. Pictures from the CRS website should NOT be used for public shows or displays without permission. It would be impolite so to do.
To copy and alter the name of the copyright holder to your own is nothing short of stealing.
The website gratefully acknowledges the input received from our major sources of material:
The late John Cornelius, Roger Geach, Mike Morant, Craig Munday, Chris Osment, Mike Roach, Trevor Tremethick, Roger Salter, The late Sid Sponheimer, David Tozer, Guy Vincent, and Roger Winnen.
Much appreciation is also expressed to the following for their contributions:
Many thanks to :- Dave Adams, Matthew Addelsee, Ken Adlam, Cameron Allen, John Alsop. David Andrews, Steve Andrews, Mike Allen, Mark Annand, David Antony, Mark Aston. Roger Aston, Bill Avery, Martin Baker, John Ball, Paul Barlow, Geoffrey Barnes, David Bartlett, Keith Barrow, Dick Barry, David Bastion, Roger & Dawn Battershill, Barnard Bates, Sarah Batten, Ewan Baxter, Dave Beckerleg, David and the late Theo Beckett, Andrew Bellis, Phillip Benham, Christopher J Bellett, Dennis Berry, Caroline Bland, Jim Bland, Tom Blanpain, Richard Bohill, Graham Bowden, David Bown, James Bown, Matthew Bradley, John Brodribb, Angela Brock, Ben Brooksbank, Shaun Brown, Ian Bunnett, Stephen Burdett, Peter Bragg, Mark Branner, Mick Bramich, Mark Brown, Derek Books, Peter and Mark Bragg, Matthew Buck, Colin Burgess, Paul Burkhalter, Peter Butt, Derek Buttivant and Heather Buttivant, Paul Cambridge, Dale Chadwick, Rupert Chalkley, Derek Carloss, Steve Carter, Lorraine Cave, Martin Chiswell, Martin Clark, Tony Clark, Dennis Clarke, David Collings, Tony Cooke, David Cook, Tim Comer, John Cornelius, Jarrard Cotter, Leslie Curnow, Eric Curnow, Peter Dale, Kevin Daniel, Maurice Dart, Stephen Derek, Dingle, Ian Dinmore, Andy Dunican, Jeremy Doe, Bill Douglas, Phil Duddridge, Dave Dunn, Rowland Dunn, Jamie Dyke, Nick Dyke, Andy Elms, Fred Elton, William Elston, Martin Duff, Justin Edwards, Mike Eddowes, Steve Elliott, J. Eyres, Dan Engstrom, Robert Evans, Charles Fennamore, Dave Field, Barbara Fisher, Peter Flanagan, David Forty, Michael Forward, Chris Finan, Mike Frąckiewicz, Stewart Frazer, Ian Gall, Keith Gale, Rod Garner, Nick & Alec Gaskell, Roger Gee, Linda Getman, Matt Geyman, Bryan Gibson, Maureen Glanville, Trevor Goldsworthy, Jon Gough, Steve Grainger-Allen, Shirley Gray, Alan Giffin, Quentin Goggs, Evan Gray, Alan Griffon, Jim Green, Kyle Greet, Ross Griffiths, Brian Grigg, Colin Grover, John, the late Sheila Hall, Aidan Hall, Nathan & Phil Hadley, Brian Haig , Trevor Hancock, Jacob Hampson, Bill Haines, Edward Hannan, Jacob Hampson, Lawrence Hansford, Edward Hannan, Julian A Hanwell, Peggy Le Hanwell, Alan Harris, Richard Hays, Daniel Harris, Graham Harris, Geoffrey Harrison, Darren Hart, Roy Hart, Chris Harvey, David Hayball, Phil Hawke, William Heggie, Jonathon Henwood, Andrew Hickson, David Hibberd, Tony Hill, Barry Hilton, Jon Hird, the late Cyril Hitchens and Mike Hitchens MBE, Jon Hird, The late Adrian Hoblyn, Ivor Hocking,Stephenie Hockridge, Richard Holladay, the Late Keith Holt, Tom Holway, Edward Hooper, James Howitt, Simon Howard, Mick House, James Howitt, Tim Hughes, Geoff Hurrell. Mick Hymans, Rob Iredale, David Ive, Chris Jenkin, Kevin & Peter Jenkin, Nathan John, Andrew Jones, Barry Jones, Neil Johnson, Oliver Kyte, Jon Kelsey, John Keohane, Adrian King, Will Kilner, Andy Kirkham, Andrew Keast, Ron Kosys, Nick Kiszczuk, Darren Kitson, Richard Kitson, Langport and District History Group - Janet Seaton, Mark Lancaster, Ian Lane, Geoff Leonard, Jim Lewis, Robert Lindley, Rob Lomas, Mike Loze, John Lloyd, Late Keith Lloyd, Barry Lucas, Allen Linning, Mark Lynan, Alastair MacLean, Nick Madden, Tim Maddocks, Steve Marshall, Paul Martin. Roger Marsh, James May, Ken Mumford, Barty Jones, Kath Jones, Kevin Jones, Jim Lewis, Graham Mann, Graham G. Matthews (Work of the late W.F. Ivey), Geoff Matthews, Ian McDonald, Kim McMillan-Staff, Ivor Moorey, Ian McKey, David Mathieson, Victor Menhennet, Bernard & Audrey Mills, Richard Mills, Andy Miller, Jon Morley, Ian Morton, Colin Moss, Morven Munday, Lynn & Peter Murnaghan, Richard Merrin, Mike Mycetes, Phillip Nall, Brian Naylor, Paul Negus, Tony Newman, Geoff Nicholas, Doug Nicholls, Terry Nichols, Kevin Meagor, Peter O'Brien, Jon Morley, Ivor Moorey, Phillip Nall, The late Cedric Owen, th late Dave Pagett, Roy Palmer, Clive and Lawrence Parker, Robert Parry, Late Edwin Pascoe, Mike Paterson, David Pearce, John Penny, Robert Perry, Steve Perryman, Colin Pidgeon, Scot, Hannah & Alan Peters, Neil Phillips, Wayne Phillips, Brian & Patricia Pibworth, Richard Poyner, Colin Pidgeon, Simon Ponter, David Pool, David Potter, Ian Pollock, Roger Pyke, Peter Radford, Anne Rawle, Kevin Redwood, Kevin Regan, Colin Retallick,the late Dr. Frank Richards, Steve Richards, Andy and Vivian Richards, Terry Richards, Steve Rickett, Nigel & Andrew Ratledge, Andy Rigler, Andy Richings. John Root, Louise Roach, Paul Roach, John Roberts, Ian Roscorla, Phill Rundle, Paul Rundle, Geoff Ryall, Martin Scane, John Simons, Tony Shoree, Lewis Slee, the late Michael Slee, Geoff Salmon, The late Peter Salmon, Emma Shard, John Scragg, Mr. Sibthorpe, ohn Simons, Clare Sheppard, John Simmons, Roger Smith, Tristan Smith, Clive Smith, Phill (Shattered) Smith, Stuart Smith, Kat Smith, Vic Smith, Clive Smith, Les Smitham, Trevor Snell, Nigel Spate, Fred Speare, the late Frank Sperritt, Pat Sperritt, Steve Spingys, Andy Stace, John Stagg, John Scragg, the late John Stamp, David Stannard, Paul and the late John Stanford, Howard Sprenger. Nathan Stockman, Julian Stephens, Eric Stuart, Peter Sutton, Roger Tabb, Nigel & Ben Tambling, The late Bob Taylor, Brendan Taylor, Malcolm Taylor, Mike Thomas, Liz and Tom Thompson (St Agnes Museum), Andrew Thompson, Rob Thomas, John Thorn, Gareth Thornton, Garth Tilt, Chris Tooth, David Tozer, Nigel Tregoning, Phil Tremain, Phil Trevena, Andrew Triggs, Nick Trudgian, Mike Thomas, Keith Turley, Late Jack Trounson, Ollie Turrell, Adrian Vaughan, Mrs Vera Vigus, Guy Vincent, Charlotte Vincent, Keith Webber, Shane Webster, sid Warren, South West Circle, Terry Waldron, Hugh Waters, Richard Watts, Lisa Welch, David Ward, Mike Ware, Hugh Waters, Keith Watkins, Shane Webster, Michael West, Ron & Jenny Westwater, Stephen White, Phil Wilton, Steve Widdowson, the late Jonathan Wood, Robert Woodhouse, Charles Woodland, Tony Wright and Syd Young.
We are most grateful to Mrs. Zsuzsanna Wood for her permission to place on this site the work of her late husband John Wood. Similar appreciation is expressed to the late Mrs. Phyllis English for her permission to place on this site the work of her late husband Patrick English.
References :- a list of books and publications commonly referred to at the foot of this page
Loads of old aerial pics, black and white, some go back to 1920s etc. Great ones of Plymouth, Tavistock (particularly a good one of Tavistock South) and many other interesting places.
*** PLEASE NOTE - Other sources of Cornish Pictures ***
Andrew Kirkham has kindly agreed to us advertising his excellent site. With his website Andrew makes available many superb pictures taken in Cornwall. Click here.
Cornish Video - Martin Baker has advised us of an excellent 3 hour video on YouTube, to see this, click here.
About our pictures.
The Cornwall Railway Society website, which has been online since May 2010, was originally planned to just advertise the activities of the society, and give details of the organisation and history of the Society. It has, however, since developed into site where enthusiasts can obtain the latest news on the railway scene and view pictures of the railways in the West Country, past and present. We have also recorded some of the many rail tours which have visited the counties.
If you have any pictures of your own of general railway interest which you would like to see on the site we’d be only too pleased to receive them. Please provide full details with your submissions – they must be your own work, or submitted with the owners permission – they must not be copyright pictures. You may copy pictures for your own use but please ask the copyright holder for permission. Pictures from the CRS website should NOT be used for public shows or displays without permission. It would be impolite so to do.
To copy and alter the name of the copyright holder to your own is nothing short of stealing.
The website gratefully acknowledges the input received from our major sources of material:
The late John Cornelius, Roger Geach, Mike Morant, Craig Munday, Chris Osment, Mike Roach, Trevor Tremethick, Roger Salter, The late Sid Sponheimer, David Tozer, Guy Vincent, and Roger Winnen.
Much appreciation is also expressed to the following for their contributions:
Many thanks to :- Dave Adams, Matthew Addelsee, Ken Adlam, Cameron Allen, John Alsop. David Andrews, Steve Andrews, Mike Allen, Mark Annand, David Antony, Mark Aston. Roger Aston, Bill Avery, Martin Baker, John Ball, Paul Barlow, Geoffrey Barnes, David Bartlett, Keith Barrow, Dick Barry, David Bastion, Roger & Dawn Battershill, Barnard Bates, Sarah Batten, Ewan Baxter, Dave Beckerleg, David and the late Theo Beckett, Andrew Bellis, Phillip Benham, Christopher J Bellett, Dennis Berry, Caroline Bland, Jim Bland, Tom Blanpain, Richard Bohill, Graham Bowden, David Bown, James Bown, Matthew Bradley, John Brodribb, Angela Brock, Ben Brooksbank, Shaun Brown, Ian Bunnett, Stephen Burdett, Peter Bragg, Mark Branner, Mick Bramich, Mark Brown, Derek Books, Peter and Mark Bragg, Matthew Buck, Colin Burgess, Paul Burkhalter, Peter Butt, Derek Buttivant and Heather Buttivant, Paul Cambridge, Dale Chadwick, Rupert Chalkley, Derek Carloss, Steve Carter, Lorraine Cave, Martin Chiswell, Martin Clark, Tony Clark, Dennis Clarke, David Collings, Tony Cooke, David Cook, Tim Comer, John Cornelius, Jarrard Cotter, Leslie Curnow, Eric Curnow, Peter Dale, Kevin Daniel, Maurice Dart, Stephen Derek, Dingle, Ian Dinmore, Andy Dunican, Jeremy Doe, Bill Douglas, Phil Duddridge, Dave Dunn, Rowland Dunn, Jamie Dyke, Nick Dyke, Andy Elms, Fred Elton, William Elston, Martin Duff, Justin Edwards, Mike Eddowes, Steve Elliott, J. Eyres, Dan Engstrom, Robert Evans, Charles Fennamore, Dave Field, Barbara Fisher, Peter Flanagan, David Forty, Michael Forward, Chris Finan, Mike Frąckiewicz, Stewart Frazer, Ian Gall, Keith Gale, Rod Garner, Nick & Alec Gaskell, Roger Gee, Linda Getman, Matt Geyman, Bryan Gibson, Maureen Glanville, Trevor Goldsworthy, Jon Gough, Steve Grainger-Allen, Shirley Gray, Alan Giffin, Quentin Goggs, Evan Gray, Alan Griffon, Jim Green, Kyle Greet, Ross Griffiths, Brian Grigg, Colin Grover, John, the late Sheila Hall, Aidan Hall, Nathan & Phil Hadley, Brian Haig , Trevor Hancock, Jacob Hampson, Bill Haines, Edward Hannan, Jacob Hampson, Lawrence Hansford, Edward Hannan, Julian A Hanwell, Peggy Le Hanwell, Alan Harris, Richard Hays, Daniel Harris, Graham Harris, Geoffrey Harrison, Darren Hart, Roy Hart, Chris Harvey, David Hayball, Phil Hawke, William Heggie, Jonathon Henwood, Andrew Hickson, David Hibberd, Tony Hill, Barry Hilton, Jon Hird, the late Cyril Hitchens and Mike Hitchens MBE, Jon Hird, The late Adrian Hoblyn, Ivor Hocking,Stephenie Hockridge, Richard Holladay, the Late Keith Holt, Tom Holway, Edward Hooper, James Howitt, Simon Howard, Mick House, James Howitt, Tim Hughes, Geoff Hurrell. Mick Hymans, Rob Iredale, David Ive, Chris Jenkin, Kevin & Peter Jenkin, Nathan John, Andrew Jones, Barry Jones, Neil Johnson, Oliver Kyte, Jon Kelsey, John Keohane, Adrian King, Will Kilner, Andy Kirkham, Andrew Keast, Ron Kosys, Nick Kiszczuk, Darren Kitson, Richard Kitson, Langport and District History Group - Janet Seaton, Mark Lancaster, Ian Lane, Geoff Leonard, Jim Lewis, Robert Lindley, Rob Lomas, Mike Loze, John Lloyd, Late Keith Lloyd, Barry Lucas, Allen Linning, Mark Lynan, Alastair MacLean, Nick Madden, Tim Maddocks, Steve Marshall, Paul Martin. Roger Marsh, James May, Ken Mumford, Barty Jones, Kath Jones, Kevin Jones, Jim Lewis, Graham Mann, Graham G. Matthews (Work of the late W.F. Ivey), Geoff Matthews, Ian McDonald, Kim McMillan-Staff, Ivor Moorey, Ian McKey, David Mathieson, Victor Menhennet, Bernard & Audrey Mills, Richard Mills, Andy Miller, Jon Morley, Ian Morton, Colin Moss, Morven Munday, Lynn & Peter Murnaghan, Richard Merrin, Mike Mycetes, Phillip Nall, Brian Naylor, Paul Negus, Tony Newman, Geoff Nicholas, Doug Nicholls, Terry Nichols, Kevin Meagor, Peter O'Brien, Jon Morley, Ivor Moorey, Phillip Nall, The late Cedric Owen, th late Dave Pagett, Roy Palmer, Clive and Lawrence Parker, Robert Parry, Late Edwin Pascoe, Mike Paterson, David Pearce, John Penny, Robert Perry, Steve Perryman, Colin Pidgeon, Scot, Hannah & Alan Peters, Neil Phillips, Wayne Phillips, Brian & Patricia Pibworth, Richard Poyner, Colin Pidgeon, Simon Ponter, David Pool, David Potter, Ian Pollock, Roger Pyke, Peter Radford, Anne Rawle, Kevin Redwood, Kevin Regan, Colin Retallick,the late Dr. Frank Richards, Steve Richards, Andy and Vivian Richards, Terry Richards, Steve Rickett, Nigel & Andrew Ratledge, Andy Rigler, Andy Richings. John Root, Louise Roach, Paul Roach, John Roberts, Ian Roscorla, Phill Rundle, Paul Rundle, Geoff Ryall, Martin Scane, John Simons, Tony Shoree, Lewis Slee, the late Michael Slee, Geoff Salmon, The late Peter Salmon, Emma Shard, John Scragg, Mr. Sibthorpe, ohn Simons, Clare Sheppard, John Simmons, Roger Smith, Tristan Smith, Clive Smith, Phill (Shattered) Smith, Stuart Smith, Kat Smith, Vic Smith, Clive Smith, Les Smitham, Trevor Snell, Nigel Spate, Fred Speare, the late Frank Sperritt, Pat Sperritt, Steve Spingys, Andy Stace, John Stagg, John Scragg, the late John Stamp, David Stannard, Paul and the late John Stanford, Howard Sprenger. Nathan Stockman, Julian Stephens, Eric Stuart, Peter Sutton, Roger Tabb, Nigel & Ben Tambling, The late Bob Taylor, Brendan Taylor, Malcolm Taylor, Mike Thomas, Liz and Tom Thompson (St Agnes Museum), Andrew Thompson, Rob Thomas, John Thorn, Gareth Thornton, Garth Tilt, Chris Tooth, David Tozer, Nigel Tregoning, Phil Tremain, Phil Trevena, Andrew Triggs, Nick Trudgian, Mike Thomas, Keith Turley, Late Jack Trounson, Ollie Turrell, Adrian Vaughan, Mrs Vera Vigus, Guy Vincent, Charlotte Vincent, Keith Webber, Shane Webster, sid Warren, South West Circle, Terry Waldron, Hugh Waters, Richard Watts, Lisa Welch, David Ward, Mike Ware, Hugh Waters, Keith Watkins, Shane Webster, Michael West, Ron & Jenny Westwater, Stephen White, Phil Wilton, Steve Widdowson, the late Jonathan Wood, Robert Woodhouse, Charles Woodland, Tony Wright and Syd Young.
We are most grateful to Mrs. Zsuzsanna Wood for her permission to place on this site the work of her late husband John Wood. Similar appreciation is expressed to the late Mrs. Phyllis English for her permission to place on this site the work of her late husband Patrick English.
References :- a list of books and publications commonly referred to at the foot of this page
The Autumn Cornwall Railway Society Magazine
Current Magazine covers
A very hearty congratulations to our Magazine Editors John Gilbert and Nicholas Kiszczuk for an excellent magazine - join the Cornwall Railway Society for your copy.